GameCo Marketing Analysis

Analysis of global video game sales

Business Requirement

Conduct data analysis for GameCo(video game company) to assist them in preparing their market budget for 2017. They want to allocate their marketing budgets across geographies regions to maximize return on investment.


Data Cleaning

Data Grouping and Summarizing

Descriptive Analysis

Pivot Table

Visualization Charts in MS Excel/PowerPoint




Analysis Process

  • Use historical data to see how the share of sales by region changes over time

  • For each region, analyze whether other variables such as Platform and Genre can be used to optimize the market budget

Analysis & Visualization

Regional share trend

Use line charts to conduct time series analysis of historical data for each region, understanding the sales trends in different areas to make better predictions for 2017.

Use tables to provide a more detailed listing of specific data.

Segmentation analysis

Identify Platform and Genre as the variables for differentiated marketing in various regions.

Use bar charts to analyze the top-selling Platform and Genre in each region to determine the marketing focus for each area.

Use pie charts to analyze the proportion of different types of Genre within the high-selling Platform categories, in order to determine marketing strategies targeted at specific Platform.

Insights and Recommendations

Based on Japanese market


1.The Japanese market has maintained the third largest market share, and in 2016 it got tremendous growth.

2.The Japan market is relatively concentrated in terms of genre, Action, Role-Playing are the top two sales in all Genre, and the sum of the two accounts for 68%.

3.The Japan market is relatively fragmented in terms of platform.

4.Action is favored in the 3DS platform, with a 63% share


1.It is possible to appropriately increase the sales budget for the Japanese market and observe the market trends to determine whether the high growth rate is sustainable.

2.In terms of categories, Action, Role-Playing should enjoy budget priority, In terms of platforms, it should be focused on 3DS, PS4. Bundles of the 3DS platform and the Action can also be considered.